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Mastering Flutter Streams: Exploring Single and Broadcast Streams


Flutter, Google’s UI toolkit, is renowned for its expressive and flexible framework that allows developers to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. One powerful feature in Flutter is the use of streams, which enable efficient and asynchronous communication between different parts of your application. In this article, we’ll delve into the concept of streams in Flutter, specifically focusing on Single and Broadcast Streams. Additionally, we’ll explore the implementation of a custom stream function to deepen our understanding.

Overview of Streams in Flutter

Streams are a fundamental part of the Dart language, and Flutter leverages them to handle asynchronous programming. A stream is a sequence of asynchronous events, and it allows the components of your application to communicate without blocking the execution. Streams are crucial for handling user input, network requests, and other asynchronous tasks in a Flutter application.

In Dart, there are two types of streams: Single Subscription Streams and Broadcast Streams.

Single Subscription Streams

Single Subscription Streams allow only one listener to listen to the stream. Once a listener is subscribed, no other listeners can subscribe to the same stream. It is suitable for scenarios where you want to ensure that only one consumer is processing the stream events.

import 'dart:async';

void main() {
// Creating a Single Subscription Stream
StreamController<int> singleController = StreamController<int>();

// Adding a listener to the stream
StreamSubscription<int> subscription =
(data) {
print('Received: $data');

// Adding data to the stream

// Closing the stream

Broadcast Streams

On the other hand, Broadcast Streams allow multiple listeners to subscribe to the same stream. This is useful when you want to broadcast events to multiple parts of your application simultaneously.

import 'dart:async';

void main() {
// Creating a Broadcast Stream
StreamController<int> broadcastController = StreamController<int>.broadcast();

// Adding the first listener to the stream
StreamSubscription<int> subscription1 =
(data) {
print('Listener 1 Received: $data');

// Adding the second listener to the stream
StreamSubscription<int> subscription2 =
(data) {
print('Listener 2 Received: $data');

// Adding data to the stream

// Closing the stream

Creating a Custom Stream Function

Now, let’s explore how to implement a custom stream function in Flutter. Suppose we want to create a stream that emits a sequence of Fibonacci numbers. We can achieve this by creating a custom stream function.

import 'dart:async';

// Custom Stream Function to generate Fibonacci numbers
Stream<int> generateFibonacci(int count) async* {
int a = 0, b = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
yield a;
int temp = a + b;
a = b;
b = temp;

void main() async {
// Creating a custom stream for Fibonacci numbers
Stream<int> fibonacciStream = generateFibonacci(5);

// Listening to the custom stream
await for (int value in fibonacciStream) {
print('Fibonacci: $value');

In this example, the generateFibonacci function returns a stream of Fibonacci numbers based on the specified count. The async* syntax is used to create a generator function that yields values asynchronously. The await for loop is then used to listen to the stream and print the generated Fibonacci numbers.


Understanding streams in Flutter is crucial for developing responsive and efficient applications. By leveraging streams, developers can handle asynchronous events seamlessly. Additionally, creating custom stream functions allows for the implementation of tailored solutions to meet specific application requirements.

As you continue to explore Flutter, experimenting with streams will provide you with a powerful tool-set for building dynamic and interactive applications.


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Published in Stackademic

Stackademic is a learning hub for programmers, devs, coders, and engineers. Our goal is to democratize free coding education for the world.

Written by Vishnu C Prasad

As a dedicated software developer, I specialize in utilizing Flutter with Nest.js to create efficient and effective solutions.

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